Time to be bold!


I made this as a reminder to myself that life is too short to pretend being someone I’m not. It was inspired by a letter Ann Curry writes to her younger self in the book I’m reading now called “What I know now: Letters to my younger self” edited by Ellyn Spragins.

Hope you enjoyed my yoga and colonization post from the other day and my 15 East Bay favorites. This is the fifth of an ongoing series of posts for the yoga teacher training fundraiser I launched a couple of weeks ago 🙂 I’ve already raised $2605 out of my $3500 goal with 11 days to go, and you can help me get closer 🙂 As a queer woman of color community artist and activist, I believe that I can be a part of the change to make yoga more accessible to marginalized bodies. Please visit my campaign page:igg.me/at/miyukiyoga to watch the video I made and to see all of the original art you get in exchange for donating! Thanks!

About Miyuki Baker

Miyuki is a resident of the place where many circles overlap. They’re a queer, multi-racial/lingual artist, activist & academic passionate about using common or discarded objects, stories, zines, and performance in public spaces to make accessible art. Their research examines how we practice “hope” and meaning through space, architecture and the environment. They’re currently a PhD Candidate in the Department of Performance Studies at UC Berkeley. After graduating from Swarthmore College in 2012, where they were involved in queer Asian activism and making art, they received the Watson Fellowship to travel the world in search of queer artists and activists and made 8 zines highlighting what they learned under their publishing house Queer Scribe Productions. From 2014-2015 she lived in Ecuador and traveled by bicycle from Ecuador to Colombia cataloging traditional textiles, music and food. After returning, they built and lived in a mobile tiny house for a year (until selling it in May 2016).


  1. Hello 🙂 I really loved reading your blog posts and have followed your page so I can read more! I’m quite new to blogging and would love it if you could check out my page and possibly give me a follow? http://mylifemybubble.wordpress.com/ Thanks xxx

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